Baking with Grandma: A Recipe for Creative Inspiration
Creating from scratch, whether homemade cookies or blown glass, combines patience, attention to detail, and creativity. These artistic pursuits are more than just hobbies for me—they are part of a family tradition that has shaped my approach to both work and life.
Twinning: Two Paths, One Connection
For those who know me, you know I grew up with a twin brother, Shane. In this post, we’ll explore how our different careers, unique personalities, and journeys connect us through similar techniques, lifestyles, and even a bit of "twin telepathy" (yes, it’s real).
How Rollerskating Made me a Better Glass Artist
This blog post tells the story of how my personal experiences with trauma and roller skating have influenced my artistic practice. It demonstrates the powerful connection between personal healing and creative expression.
My Moment of Fame - Pawn Stars
I taugh the hosts of Pawn Stars how to blow glass on their latest season!
The Story Behind My Four-Legged Hot Shop Supervisor.
Anyone who has seen me in the studio has seen my dog, Duncan. This is his story and how he became an important part of my creative process.
Working at the Chihuly Garden
Working at the Chihuly Garden is a dream. This blog post will tell you how I got there and what lead me to it.
My First Summer at Pilchuck Glass School
Details about my first unforgettalbe summer session at Pilchuck Glass School - what I accomplished and continue to work on.